The chart of Pokémon types in 2020
The world of Pokémon is made up of more than 800 creatures whose magic powers can be complicated to apprehend in strategic match. Indeed, there are 18 different types of attacks that affect the effectiveness of your attacks and also affect your ability to defend yourself. The objective of this article is to tell you the entire chart of Pokémon types so that you know exactly how to face any situation and win your matches in arena, against other players or against wild Pokémon.
Everything you need to know from the Pokémon type chart
What is the Pokemon type chart?
The Pokemon type chart is a tool that lists all the types in Pokémon, indicating the weaknesses, resistances and immunities of each one. In addition, the Pokemon type chart also indicates against which elements a type is super effective, ineffective or even completely ineffective.
What is the Pokemon type chart for?
The chart of Pokémon types is particularly useful if you want to progress during your Pokémon matches. It will notably allow you to know precisely what to face an opposing Pokémon, but can also be used in Pokémon Go to anticipate a Raid or a capture of an arena for example.
How to read the chart of Pokémon types?
Built based on two entries, it is important to read the chart of Pokémon types carefully to understand their meaning. In order to avoid any confusion, we have taken care in the rest of this article to detail the defensive and offensive postures for each type of Pokémon you have.
Note that our chart of Pokémon types do not deliberately take into account the double types of Pokémon. Our objective was to make you assimilate the functioning of each type independently of the others. To know the strengths and weaknesses of a double type, it suffices to add the two types which compose it.
Here is a full overview of the general type chart in Pokémon. The rest of this guide will detail each element individually for a better understanding of this subject.
The Normal type
On the defensive side, the Normal type has only one weakness against the Combat type. Although it has no resistance, its immunity against the Specter type makes it a type particularly appreciated in Pokémon combat to cash an opposing attack instead of a Pokémon in danger in your team.
On the offensive side, the Normal type does not shine particularly. It is ineffective against the Specter type and not very effective on the Steel and Rock types, which are relatively frequent in combat. Therefore, many Normal-type Pokémon have utility or support attacks to fill their offensive gap.
The Fire type
Defensively, the Fire type has six resistance against the Insect, Plant, Ice, Fire, Fairy and Steel types, which are relatively widespread in Pokémon combat. On the other hand, it also has weaknesses in the Water, Rock and Soil types, which are omnipresent in strategy. Therefore, few Fire type Pokémon impose themselves with a defensive role.
Offensively, the Fire type is not very effective against the Dragon, Fire, Water and Rock types. On the other hand, it is very effective against the Plant, Insect, Steel and Ice types. The latter two are widely represented in combat and make the Fire type an excellent offensive choice to counter threatening Pokémon in the opposing team.
Water type
Although it is weak against the Plant and Electric types, the Water type is one of the best in defense thanks to its resistance to the Steel, Water, Fire and Ice types. It thus makes it possible to counter the attacks of many offensive types very widespread in strategy while taking advantage of the small share of Pokémon able to harm it.
In attack, the Water type is not very effective against the Dragon, Water and Plant types. However, it is very effective against Fire, Rock and Ground types, which are found in all strategic teams. This element is therefore very interesting since it can offer you offensive and defensive opportunities according to your needs.
The Grass type
The Grass type is known to be very poor in defense. Indeed, even if it is resistant to the Water, Electric, Plant and Soil types which can have a devastating role in combat, the Plant Pokémon are weak against the Fire, Ice, Insect, Poison and Flight types, most of which are known for their devastating power in attack or special attack.
In attack, the Grass type is very effective against the Water, Rock and Soil types, which are frequent in strategy. However, it is not very effective against Steel, Dragon, Fire, Insect, Plant, Poison and Vol types. The combination of its too many weaknesses and its low offensive cover make it a type little exploited and difficult to use in the arena.
The Electric type
The Electric type has only one weakness against the Sol types. However, it is resistant to Steel, Electric and Vol types. This makes Electric Pokémon particularly useful for initiating combat or serving as a pivot to anticipate a powerful enemy attack.
Offensively, it is super effective against the Flight and Water types, composed of many powerful Pokémon in strategy. On the other hand, the Electric type is not very effective against itself, the Dragon type as well as the Plant type. In addition, the Sol type is completely immune to it and can counter the placement of an electric Pokémon.
The Insect type
Insect type Pokémon have a natural weakness against Fire, Flight and Rock types. On the other hand, they are particularly resistant to the Combat, Plant and Soil types. This makes the Insect type a relatively easy prey due to the high representation of the types it fears in strategic battles.
On the offensive level, the Insect type is very effective against the Plant, Psychic and Dark types. However, it is not very effective against Steel, Combat, Fairy, Fire, Poison, Specter and Vol types. This natural fragility coupled with this lack of effectiveness in combat makes it a type little used because it is too easy to counter.
The rock type
Composed of a lot of Pokémon with great physical resistance, the Rock type is naturally resistant to the Fire, Normal, Poison and Vol types. However, it has a weakness against the Water, Plant, Combat, Steel and Soil types, very present in strategic battles.
On the other hand, even if it is not very effective against the Steel, Combat and Ground types , the Rock type is very effective against the Pokémon of Fire, Ice, Insect and Vol type. This element therefore represents an ideal asset to strengthen the physical resistance of your team or counter powerful attacking types and very represented in arena combat.
The Soil type
Although weak in the Water, Ice and Plant types , the Soil type draws its defensive interest from its resistance to the Poison and Rock types. In addition, fully immune to the Electric type, it is a powerful advantage in neutralizing an opposing Pokémon that calls upon this powerful element.
In attack, the Sol type is one of the most used in the arena due to its great versatility. Although not very effective against the Insect and Plant types, the Soil type is formidable to counter the Steel, Fire, Electric, Poison and Rock types, whose attacks can be particularly devastating.
Steel type
The Steel type has only 3 weaknesses in the Fire, Combat and Ground types. On the other hand, it is the best defensive type that exists thanks to its 10 resistances to the Steel, Normal, Dragon, Ice, Insect, Plant, Psychic, Rock, Fairy and Vol types. In addition, he also has total Poison type immunity.
On the other hand, the Steel type does not shine at all in attack. It is only very effective against Ice and Rock types. In addition, it is not very effective against Steel, Water, Electric and Fire types. An element which is therefore particularly interesting to strengthen the defenses of your team against many possible enemy combinations.
Poison type
Defensively, the Poison type resists the Combat, Fairy, Insect, Plant and Poison types. In addition, it has only two weaknesses of the Sol and Psy types. This makes it a very viable element in a team to protect you from many opponents and fight back.
Offensively, the Poison type is very effective against the Plant and Fairy types, which makes it a good counter to the latter which is very present in strategy. On the other hand, it is not very effective against the Poison, Sol, Roche and Specter types. It is totally ineffective against the Steel type. Poison attacks have the particularity of having a chance to poison the opponent and thus handicap him with a status that hurts him turn after turn.
Combat type
In defense, the Combat type is weak against the Psy, Fairy and Vol types. However, it resists particularly well against types Insect, Rock and Darkness. Composed of a lot of powerful Pokémon in attack, the Combat type does not shine for its defensive capabilities but plays a primordial role of sweeper.
The Combat type has the distinction of being very effective against the Ice, Normal, Rock, Darkness and Steel types, particularly represented in Pokémon strategy. Even if it is ineffective against the Specter type, and not very effective against the Fairy, Insect, Poison, Psychic and Flight types, it is very useful in the arena to overcome powerful opponents in all circumstances.
The Specter type
Known for its immunity to the Normal and Combat types, the Specter type also has two resistances to the Insect and Poison types. This makes it a particularly good defensive element, despite its weaknesses in the Dark and Specter types.
In attack, the Specter type is very effective against the Psychic type and against itself. On the other hand, it is not very effective against Dark Pokémon and has no effect against the Normal type. It is therefore necessary to play strategically to anticipate the right switches with your Specter to fully use its defensive power during your Pokémon matches.
The Dark Type
Appearing in the second generation, the Darkness type is immune to the Psychic type. It is naturally resistant to the Specter type and to itself. Its only three weaknesses are the Fairy, Fighting and Insect types, which makes it an excellent defensive type in Pokémon matches.
Super effective against Psy and Specter types, the Darkness type is not very effective against Combat, Fairy and himself. Despite its low offensive coverage, this type is particularly useful in combat because it can counter powerful Pokémon untouchable by normal attacks for example.
The Psychic type
Representing the power of the intellect and telekinesis, the Psychic type is naturally resistant to the Combat type and to itself. However, he has a weakness against the Specter, Darkness and Insect types which symbolize phobias which come to hamper the power of the mind.
In attack, the Psychic type is very effective against Pokémon Combat as well as against the Poison type, which allows it to counter many offensive threats and makes it a great choice. Be careful all the same to anticipate your actions well because it is ineffective against the Darkness type and very ineffective against the Psychic and Steel types.
The Ice type
The Ice type is probably one of the worst defensively. Indeed, it only resists itself and has a weakness against the Steel, Combat, Fire and Rock types which are very represented in Pokémon teams.
However, the full power of the Ice type is revealed when it comes to attack with very effective attacks against the powerful Dragon, Soil, Flight and Plant types. Despite its ineffective attacks against the Steel, Water, Fire and Ice types, this element is particularly appreciated for knocking out many legendary Pokémon.
The Dragon type
The Dragon type has resistance to the four elements represented by the Water, Fire, Plant and Electric types. In addition, its only weaknesses against the Ice, Fairy and Dragon types make it a particularly interesting Pokémon category to create a good strategic team and win your games.
Represented by a large amount of legendary Pokémon, the Dragon type is above all super effective against itself and offers an ideal counter to legendary opponents. On the other hand, it is not very effective against the Steel type and Fairy type Pokémon. A complex type to understand but with devastating potential when you know how to use it.
The Flight type
Relatively balanced type, Flight resists Combat, Insect and Plant Pokémon, having natural immunity to the Ground type. On the other hand, it is weak compared to the Electric, Ice and Rock types, like fragile birds against thunder, hail or falling rocks.
On the offensive level, the Flight type is super effective on the Plant, Insect and Combat types. On the other hand, it is not very effective against Steel, Rock and Electric types. This type does not excel in attack or defense but can on the contrary be played according to the desires and needs of your team thanks to the potential it offers on both sides.
The Fairy type
Appearing in the sixth generation, the Fairy type is one of the most powerful in Pokémon matches. Resistant to the Combat, Darkness and Insect types, it even has Dragon type immunity. This largely makes up for its weaknesses in the Steel and Poison types and makes it an excellent defensive type.
Offensively, the Fairy type is very effective against the Combat, Dragon and Darkness types, omnipresent in Pokémon strategy. On the other hand, it is not very effective against the Steel, Fire and Poison types which also play an important place in arena matches.
It's your turn !
You now have the keys to fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of your Pokémon as well as those of your opponents. Thanks to these different charts of Pokémon types , you have everything you need to progress and carry out your strategic battles! We wish you great success in your quest for victories and hope you find this guide useful.
See also our article on tricks and nicknames to get the Eevee evolution you are looking for